Friday, September 18, 2009

God of Dreams

You know that feeling
When you're about to
Start something new

And your stomach
Screams in hunger
But you don't know why?

I'm starting to think
That this isn't my

Instead, I propose
That it's my heart
Alluding to the

Coming adventure

It's unknown and
Completely scary

The wheel's turning
But the Lord's the
Only One who knows where
We're going

Tingles fill my body
And I react with a
Need to giggle

My God is the God of Dreams


Questions fill my thoughts
And stream into my prayers

I seek answers but
They're nowhere to be found

But, wait! I see them
They're in Your hands,

O God of Abraham

They're clasped within
Your iron-clad fists

I keep praying questions
But You return with silence

Suddenly, You crush the
Answers within Your hands

I don't understand
I need them

I cry and I flail
Questioning You now

Then, Your empty hands
Raise and I assume

You're going to discipline
Me for my lack of faith

But, You don't

What were once iron-clad
Fists are now

Gently caressing fingertips
Stroking my face

With the love of a Father

Abba, Daddy
I confess my questions

Forgive my sinfulness
And restore my broken heart

I beg for You to lift
My face from Your hands

And lift it to Your eyes
From where I know my
