Friday, September 18, 2009


Questions fill my thoughts
And stream into my prayers

I seek answers but
They're nowhere to be found

But, wait! I see them
They're in Your hands,

O God of Abraham

They're clasped within
Your iron-clad fists

I keep praying questions
But You return with silence

Suddenly, You crush the
Answers within Your hands

I don't understand
I need them

I cry and I flail
Questioning You now

Then, Your empty hands
Raise and I assume

You're going to discipline
Me for my lack of faith

But, You don't

What were once iron-clad
Fists are now

Gently caressing fingertips
Stroking my face

With the love of a Father

Abba, Daddy
I confess my questions

Forgive my sinfulness
And restore my broken heart

I beg for You to lift
My face from Your hands

And lift it to Your eyes
From where I know my


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