Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Remember the days forgotten
When thoughts were wrapped
Around the next big adventure

Family vacations weren't feared
But desired because of
The road that awaited

Ideas roll around in my head
Like gerbils running thoughtlessly
On their wheels

The yearning and the craving
Walk hand in hand
As I dream of my
Other identity

To travel, To run
In the ways of the sun
To long for nights of sleeplessness

Just to dance in a desert
Or lie on a beach
Away from the familiarity

The battles that rage
The hearts that are caged
All long for escape

I want to free
The enslaved
And rattle the cage of
The oppressors

I want to flee from
A life of ordinary things
And walk in the midst
Of radical beings

My heroes all left legacies
Some small, some big
Who cares? They exist

To leave a legacy of love
To leave a legacy of adventure
That's what I desire

To live like a child
Constantly running toward
Her Father at full speed

Ah, the life of a Traveler

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