Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Movies that inspire
Just by breathing words
Like "vagabond" and

Quotes that resonate
Within, trying to
Awaken the sleeping
Tiger seeking to
Prowl for an adventure

I yearn to fly
I yearn to leap
I yearn to embrace
The unknown

Questions fill
Thoughts provoke
Life stares me in the
Face and says,

"What now?"

I breathe and sigh
And turn away
Submitting to my fear

Is Life really clothed
In the shadows of
Fear and doubt?

Or do I find that Life's
Wearing the mask
That I've given it?

I turn around
To face my Life

But, wait!

It's not just my Life I see now
I see One who is clothed
In grace and peace

He's far too pure and beautiful
To look upon

I hide my face with my small hands

Then, His hands encompass mine
As I continue to try and hide
The imperfection

He strips my hands from my face
And breathes Peace over me

Oh, the sweet smell of it
The feeling of warmth
The knowing of Truth
All embrace me

To trust
To leap
To fly
Into my Father's arms


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