Saturday, October 24, 2009

Crying Poem of a Warrior Princess

I confess, o Father King
I don't know hoe to be
Your daughter

Day and night
I shout the battlecry
Letting it resonate within

My Sword
Is daily sharpened
And the victories are claimed
By your matchless Name

But, as You
Call me back
To sit at Your feet

I rebel

Don't make me REST
Don't make me LISTEN
To Your gentle whispers
Of love and adoration

What is wrong with me?!

Why can't I figure
Out how to be a princess?

One who daily claims beauty
Daily seeks after my Prince with eagerness
Daily asks for calmness in heart

Abba, you're my Daddy
You desire me to soften,
To submit, to cry
To You
When I'm broken...

I confess
...I'm scared of being WEAK... (Biblical Combative Maneuver=2 Cor. 12:9!)

Lord, I need You
To remind me of how to
Be Your daughter,
A princess and heir

Teach me how to
Submit, soften, and serve

I long to love
I long to giggle
I long to be okay
With liking a boy


Continue to remind me that
You know the way in which
I'm to go

Guide me and push me

I pray for
Reckless communion with
Your Holy Spirit

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