Thursday, May 28, 2009

January 22, 2007
Tears fall down my face as I sit in my car and listen to a song by Jeremy Camp.I have just spent a couple of hours at Sweet Eugene's, pouring out my heart on a piece of paper that will be read and weighed in a couple of days.At the coffeehouse, my thoughts were dead weight. Nothing was coming. I was praying and praying but the Lord was not speaking to my heart. So, I began to read from His Word. I read Romans 3: talking about the gift of salvation. I read Matthew 3: talking about his baptism and love. I read from Colossians and John...Then, He started pouring into me. I don't know when and I don't know how. All I know is within ONE AMAZING, GOD-APPOINTED hour, my application was done. I read through it and was utterly in awe of how much the app. represented me and all of the hidden thoughts that weren't coming out. I prayed and thanked the Lord. I got into my car and drove back home. While driving, I started to talk to my Savior: praising Him for every good things that's gone on today and every sucky thing that saddened me. I started to cry...I am so unworthy to be filling out an application to lead the class of 2011 next year. I am so unworthy to think that I can even comprehend His love for me. He is SO Worthy, and yet I can never ever give Him the praise that He deserves. I am too gross to sit in His presence yet He sends down His beatiful and sweet Son so that I can. Blood and tears saved me. Tears were strewn tonight and I pray that they will save others through the power of his blood. God is Good and Great and I will sing to my Adonai.

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