Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Single Life

April 1, 2008
This note is not for the weak...It's not for the sensitive...It's not for the easily offended.Ya'll, this is MY heart. I am speaking from my experience with the Lord. From this note, maybe others will be touched by it but really this is a declaration, if nothing more...Read it and rejoice, read it and weep...I don't careRead 1 Corinthians 7. It's all about marriage v. the single life. Paul is hysterical! He's honest! You can tell he loves being single! In v. 33-35, he talks about how "single people are concerned with the Lord's affairs." He loves talking about the benefits of being single. But! He encourages marriage for those who "can't control their passions," etc. LAUGH!!!!!!!!! Do ya'll know how awesome that is? Marriage is a channeling of the passions. The single life is a passionate life lived as well, just not with another person. So...The purpose of this note is this: I love being single. Yea, I will admit: I WANT a man in my life one day. I want kids. I want to go on grand adventures with a man who will steer me straight toward the Lord's arms. I want to fight battles with a man and serve my God with him. I want a man who will be a leader in the church and who won't be afraid of challenging things when the church isn't as Truth-based as it should be. Beyond this desire, though, is a need for a Savior who will keep me alive in Love; who will consume me with His will so much so that the desire for a man is nonexistent. This year (my sophomore year at Texas A&M University...whoop!) I have learned so much about the Lord's will, the embodiment of it in my life and the sheer existence of it around me. I have seen its harshness and its beauty. It drives me to wake up everyday and to live the piece of it that He wants....It's hard. It's hard to live this will when I doubt His hands guiding me; when I feel like I'm about to fall; when I feel that my life can't be lived without this guy seems...It's hard. But, as it says in 1 Corinthians 1:9," God is...faithful."I want you to realize something: YOU, Warrior Princess of the Most Awesome and Holy Army, DOES NOT need a MAN. (vice-versa for the warriors) Just like Paul says, this is not an anti-dating/anti-marriage statement. This is a reminder. You will not find your worth in a relationship with a man. You won't and you can't. To all the people in relationships: praise the Lord! Continue to concern yourselves with the Lord's plans FIRST and let the rest fall under that...The Lord puts those special people in our lives to be encouragers, companions, best friends, and guides...but they can't give us worth or value. Please know that the Lord LOVES marriage. He doesn't want you, though, to be obsessed with the potential idea of it in your life. He wants you to cherish the life that you have as a single woman and embrace His will. There are no guarantees in life and it's a falsehood to say that we are ALL guaranteed husbands and wives. Please don't be searching for that special guy. If the Lord does have someone for you, He will bring him to you, no questions asked. We're stubborn. We get lonely. We're women with spaghetti-shaped brains. Men, you have waffles for brains so don't be hatin! lol Please know that each one of you is beautiful and full of grace, poise, depth, and worth. None of this comes from the man at your side or the man that's coming. The Lord loves you and wants the best for you. DON'T GO LOOKING! Trust Him. Test your faith. Test your willpower. Serve your brothers and sisters in Christ and let the Lord guide you...Again, this is a delcaration of my total rejoicing of the single life. This is also a note claiming that my God knows me, loves me, and has me. I will always be His, married or not...I love you, people, whether ya'll are in relationships or livin out the single life.P.S. The only ABSOLUTE thing in this life is His love. He will take away what He has given and He will give what you did not want. Just go with His flow...yo :)

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