Thursday, May 28, 2009

Extraordinary Awakening

February 9, 2009
It's not about me
I need to die to myself and live against it
My Jesus, who is Savior and Restorer, loves me
I long to be reverent before the Holy God

Awaken to the call of Christ today, people
He longs to pursue you
He chases constantly, passionate and ready to catch
Let Him capture you in His arms and take you away
To a place of refuge and adventure
Allow Him to captivate you and remind you
Of who you have been called to live and die for
Don't let church be the one place you show up
For Him
Cherish every day that you get to wake up and
Spend more time staring at creation in extraordinary excellence
Move and speak and breathe and work and study
For Him
Love Out Loud
Laugh Out Loud
Live Out Loud

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