Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Early Bird Catches the...Sausage Biscuit???

7 AM
...Got here at 6:30...

After driving half of a mile to the nearest McD's, I awakened to the smell of coffee, pancakes, and sausage. For the past couple of weeks, I have come to this establishment to spend time with the Lord, observe the city awaken around me, and reflect on life. I also needed something to awaken me for my 8 AM so what better way to do it than a $1 sausage biscuit?!:)

The first visit here, I was taken aback by the great cloud of witnesses that surrounded me at 6:30 AM. Older men in their 70s reading the Word in corners; women in their 70s and 80s talking about the warrior princess life in the "Tiger Den;" a college girl like me, journaling and reading in the Word in the corner...

I can't tell you how encouraging it is to wake up every Tuesday, Thursday and be surrounded by brothers and sisters who need to do the exact same thing every day...give their days up to the Lord and just spend time with Him. None of us have truly interacted yet, I'm sad to say. But, I know that the guy who sits at the high bar table and reads his Bible from 6-7 is named Charlie. I know that a guy walks in at around 6:40 every Tuesday and knows all the people's names behind the counter and their back-stories.

It's amazing. To share the grunge, the beauty, the start of a daily life with someone each day, even if we never interact...is AWESOME!!!

Goal of the week...ask Charlie THE QUESTION aka "What's your story?" :)

Love Out Loud

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