Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nashville Diaries #3 Part Two

March 17, 2010 Entry: Part Two

Prema is the director/visioneer/pioneer for NFI. She is the queen of the castle and works hard for her students. Again, to recap, Nashville Film Institute is an institute for interested people (usually 18-25) with dreams of entering the Hollywood scene, as future directors, actors, cinematographers, etc. 9 month program. Intense hands-on curriculum for all students. Wonderful rewards. Check out for more info!!!

Back to Prema...wonderful woman with great vision and sincere passion for providing a refuge for students who have what it takes to explore and learn and apply all that they learn. Once they're done with the program, Prema hooks them up in any way she can. She has a passion for forging relationships for people who need to make the "right connections" and she's good at it!:)

So, we spent 2+ hours with her: learning, talking, encouraging, being encouraged, etc. Wonderful usage of time and thought, as we explored another aspect of such an amazing culture in Nashville.

We, then, traveled downstairs to the Big Idea! Productions. If you didn't know this, they are the creators and designers of Veggie Tales!!! I never watched V.T. as a kid but I grew up with it all around me so it was a definite blessing to get to talk with a designer there and just hear his perspective about the company and its impact. Great guy...Ron.

The rest of the day, we traveled to downtown Nashville to explore and allow our budgets to widen a bit at the sight of some cool art pieces in Earthbound and Hatch Show Store.

Today was just one of those days where I closed my eyes, breathed in-breathed out, and just happily sighed out of the sheer need to do something to express my overwhelmed feelings. The Lord understood my sigh and I felt a great peace wash over me.

I don't know what the future holds but I honestly could care less. I get excited about the "tomorrows" and the "somedays" but honestly, the Lord is leading this dance and I'm down with the direction. I pray that I am, anyway:)

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