Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Too Much, Too Many

Too much nice with too little love
Too much time with too little intentionality
Too much distance with too little contact
Too much expression with too little reflection

Too many dreams with too few actions
Too many laughs with too few tears
Too many conflicts with too few resolutions
Too many broken with too few counselors

Over the past couple of years, the Lord has placed an indescribable passion on my heart for Hollywood. To be more specific...the movie stars.
As people laugh at the tabloids and hear about the deaths, divorces, and destruction of relationships....I pray. I cry. I reflect on "what could be..."
Most know that I have a passion for ministry. Most also know that I have a passion for business. Most don't know that I hope and pray for FUSION in my life of the two. Counseling is an option.

To listen to the cries of the stars who need to talk
To hold the hands of the scarred and broken people who
Daily sacrifice their bodies, their thoughts, and their emotions
All for the sake of "the job"

Gaga to Brangelina
Sandy to Meryl
Miley to Taylor

Why do we laugh at their cries for help?
Why do we condone their "Daycare Centers" when they wear the Rehab Center facade?
Why do we say "there goes another one" when someone has passed due to drug overdose?

If I am the only one to go there one day and minister to these people
Then, that's how it's gonna be
But, please! Join me in praying for them, at least

I long to be a listener, a comforter, a counselor
I don't desire to condemn or point out their faults
They have enough of that from their agents, families, and audiences

More than anything, I want to serve them with time to rest: in an office, a park, a room in the back of a counseling center that actually wants to help...

Too Much Nice

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