Monday, March 22, 2010

Wedding Day

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about "The Day." Not necessarily about the guy, oddly.
I've just been thinking about the "ideal of it all" and such. Asking myself questions about location, attire, who will be around, etc.
It's quite funny, really.

I want to be outdoors, submitting to a new adventure in the very setting that I feel most free...wherever that is.
I want to be barefooted, as hippie as that sounds, because I know that the one I'm walking down the aisle toward will love me so much more for my barefootedness.
I want to walk down to "There She Goes," simply because it's been a theme song for me in my season of singleness.

You see, I completely disagree with those brides who make the "Big Day" all about them. Weddings involve the beauty and adorning of the bride, yes, but has anyone ever thought to consider the parents of the bride: How they're about to surrender their daughter to a worthy man. Has anyone ever thought about the parents of the groom: in their complete revelation that the woman walking down the aisle is the woman they've prepared him for forever? Has anyone thought about the groom: the one who will no longer care for just himself but will now take on the responsibility and the adventure of another?

Two adventures converging into one great and glorious new life.

My dream wedding involves the very hellish undergrounds quaking at the sight of such a power couple forging to quell the powers of darkness in the name of Jesus, by simply uniting in marriage.
My dream wedding involves the heavenly cries of angels as the power couple unites to further the Kingdom of Heaven more and more in whatever capacities and directions they've been called.
My dream wedding involves the claps and the shouts and the heart giggles of people who can look upon the new couple in pure respect and honor.
My dream wedding involves the happy sigh of the Father, as He joyfully exclaims "It is well."

I know not who my husband is. I know not of what he'll be like or what he'll be doing in life. My one prayer is that He KNOW that life is an adventure worth exploring, dreaming, and struggling through. Our God is bigger than the failures, the lost times, the pain, and the grief. He knows more about the rewards of Love, the benefits of obedience, and the strength of a Unified pair. I pray that my husband would not see God as an asset but as his One lifeline; that he would wake up and talk to the Lord; that He would talk to the Lord then go to bed; that he would never stop the Conversation during the day. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who talks to the Lord every hour of the day. I'm odd, I claim, but how can I hide from Him? How can I be silent when I NEED to talk to Him and no one else?

...What a crazy and furious dream...

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